April 26, 2009 journal, the gospel of fear is profitable for politicians and religion in the war of Halliburton as Dick Cheney & TV evangelist Jack & Rexella Van Impe market. The TV turkeys advocating war are not Christian ministers but only earthy politicians. The gospel of fear is very affective as we have seen in the wars and in the TV Ministry. Those so-called Republican right wing preachers constantly advocate war total on Iran. It is not my fear but my prediction/opinion that this country cannot afford any more wars. Tax collectors certainly make well of fear and so do many ministers in the pulpit although some fear may be good to change people's lives. The fear I am writing about is a rip off. Political fear that the opposite side will raise your taxes or fear that Arabs will attack us. A phony car repair insurance company has just been exposed advertising fear of repairs. Credit card companies and banks using fear that your credit rating will be damaged. I say I do not care anymore if I have good credit or bad because I do not intend to use it again. I have blocked my credit report information from being given to anyone anymore forever. You must call them and request your credit reporting be blocked according to S. C. law. They are no longer able to sell my credit data as of January 1st this year by SC state law. The only thing they have to hammer over your head is your credit rating, fear of losing it. The new president has met with credit card companies telling them they must stop adding late charges and raising interest rates. My defunked company added a card renewal fee. Over the last decade I have paid that principle at least 3 times in excessive interest rates. The credit card industry is collapsing and the American people will be much better off. The same reason the banks are not loaning is the reason you should not sign a mortgage because the economy is in the process of collapsing, almost no one will be able to pay. Fear of flu makes tens of thousands risk their lives getting flu shots every year while the effects of chemtrails spraying poisons into the atmosphere is reported flu like symptoms. Trust God in all situations and have faith after we have prayed to him, aligned with him. What they do in the name of religion is just as bad as the Muslims do or worse. We fear the wrong things in life when we should fear "God only" according to scripture. We fail to recognize the danger of wrong eating or a society that breeds the Boston killer. We fail to recognize the real daily dangers in life not eating life fresh raw vegetables and fresh citrus fruits high in vitamin C which is a natural protection for a body to withstand. A new flu virus is spreading and they say there is no natural cure or prevention but what they do not tell you is that you would probably not catch it if your body is protected by God's prevention with a balanced diet and regular exercise to keep body fluids flowing. Stay out from under the knife and the needle. Also avoid all pharmaceuticals (opinion.) Fox News is evil advocating enhanced interrogation of prisoners (war crimes torture) The swine flu epidemic/pandemic appears to be media created as are most instruments of fear making them hero's almost as if they predicted it or at lease knew it was coming with their satellite cameras ready. A group of students visiting Mexico got diarrhea which is nothing at all new for the last 100 years. I experienced Montezuma's revenge in Mexico City years ago from drinking the water or eating fresh vegetables washed in their water. Flu is one of the symptoms of chemtrails and is common for the population to experience. America faces quarantine in flu pandemic possibly martial law and border closings. King Abdallah II calls it torture even though some think Jordan participated with the U.S. in doing it. He was on NBC Meet the Press today so see the story on the Internet NBC. Washington is beyond saving and so is New York Mystery Babylon, the foreign F*e*d.